Cheap answering services: are they worth it?

María Correa
· 10 min read
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Phone answering services can cost up to thousands of dollars per month. But what if you’re a small business with a limited budget?

Worry not!

In this blog, we reviewed some cheap answering services, selected the best for you, identified alternatives and recapped what you can expect from an entry-level call answering service.

What is a phone answering service?

First things first, let’s start by explaining what an answering service is.

A phone answering service is a third-party company that answers phone calls on behalf of your business. They act as a virtual receptionist who ensures your calls are answered even when you're unavailable.

What Should You Expect from a Cheap Answering Service?

Convinced that your business needs a phone answering service? Constrained by your budget?

Not all telephone answering services are expensive.

While "cheap" might suggest lower quality, many budget-friendly answering services maintain high professional standards. They employ trained agents who follow scripts and protocols to ensure a positive caller experience. The affordability often comes from streamlined processes, technology utilization, and economies of scale.

It's crucial to research and compare providers carefully, that’s why we are here to help you. 

By understanding your business needs and setting realistic expectations, you can find a cheap answering service that offers excellent value while maintaining professionalism and enhancing customer service.

Remember: The goal is to find a balance between affordability and essential features that meet your specific requirements. A well-chosen cheap answering service can be a valuable asset, allowing you to focus on core business activities while maintaining a professional image and providing excellent customer support.

Main features

The features and services of a cheap answering service can vary, here we let you some of the most typical:

  • Basic call answering and message taking: The core function of any answering service is to answer incoming calls and take accurate messages. Even budget-friendly options should provide this service reliably.
  • Call forwarding: This allows calls to be transferred to designated numbers, ensuring important calls reach the right person within your company.
  • After-hours support: Many cheap answering services offer 24/7 coverage, ensuring businesses never miss a call.
  • Bilingual support: Depending on your clientele, you might find providers that offer answering services in multiple languages.
  • Basic appointment scheduling: Some affordable options may include basic appointment scheduling features.

Features that will most likely not be included

There are some common features that might not be included in a cheap answering service. It's essential to carefully review each provider's offering and compare it to your specific needs to ensure you're getting the necessary features at a price that fits your budget.

  • Advanced Appointment Booking: While some cheap services offer basic scheduling, complex booking with multiple calendars, resource management, or automated reminders is typically reserved for premium plans.
  • Lead Qualification and Sales Support: Qualifying leads, handling sales inquiries, or upselling products/services usually require more experienced agents and specialized training, which might not be included in budget-friendly options.
  • Multiple Phone Numbers or Dedicated Lines: Managing multiple phone lines or providing dedicated numbers often involves additional setup and infrastructure costs, making them less common in cheap plans.
  • Outbound Calling: Proactive outbound calling for appointment reminders, follow-ups, or telemarketing campaigns is typically a premium feature.
  • CRM Integration: Seamless integration with customer relationship management (CRM) software for automated data logging and contact management might not be available in cheap services.
  • Customized Reporting and Analytics: Detailed call analytics and customized reporting often require advanced software and dedicated account management, which might not be cost-effective for budget providers.
  • Specialized Industry Support: Handling calls for specific industries like healthcare or legal might require specialized knowledge and compliance training, typically offered at a premium.

What are the best entry-level Answering Services?

To identify the best entry-level answering services, we conducted a thorough analysis of 10 different companies, focusing on factors crucial for small businesses and startups seeking affordable yet effective solutions.


In the end, we didn’t take into account AnswerConnect, because they start at $350/month and charge a setup fee.

We also excluded Reception HQ and Answer Our Phone from our study because we didn't find enough third-party verified reviews online.

Our evaluation prioritized affordability, essential features, and overall customer satisfaction. We compared plan prices, minutes included, and the cost per minute to gauge the financial feasibility for budget-conscious businesses. 

We then examined verified reviews to understand the real-world experiences of users, factoring in aspects like professionalism, responsiveness, and overall service quality. 

We also considered crucial features such as 24/7 availability, message taking, and call transfers, ensuring these services meet the basic communication needs of businesses.

In our assessment, we gave preference to providers that offer free trials, allowing businesses to test the service firsthand before committing. The presence of US-based receptionists and bilingual support were also valued, recognizing the importance of clear communication and cultural understanding. 

While advanced features like scripted responses or extensive integrations were considered, they weren't the primary focus for entry-level services where affordability is key.

The 3 best services we’ve identified

At this point we needed to get rid of Abby,, PATLive, and Ruby because their cheapest plans are between $200 to $350 and this budget exceeds the expectations of a cheap answering service. 

Specialty Answering Service

Let’s start this ranking with our number one chose: Specialty Answering Service

Specialty Answering Service (SAS) claims the top spot in our ranking of entry-level answering services, primarily due to its remarkable blend of affordability, flexibility, positive customer feedback, and essential features, making it an ideal solution for businesses seeking a cost-effective way to enhance their communication and professionalism.

Key Factors:

  • Affordability and Flexibility: Its base price is $38 and the pay-per-minute model ($1.39/minute) offers exceptional flexibility for businesses with low or fluctuating call volumes. This ensures you only pay for the services you actually use, maximizing cost-efficiency.
  • Free Trial: The availability of a free trial allows businesses to experience the service firsthand and assess its suitability for their specific needs without any financial commitment, reducing the risk associated with trying a new provider.
  • Essential Features: SAS doesn't compromise on the core functionalities that businesses need:
    • 24/7 live answering ensures uninterrupted accessibility for customers.
    • Call transfers, scripted responses, and message taking guarantee efficient and professional communication handling.
    • Customized call handling allows tailoring the service to specific business requirements.
  • Exceptional Customer Feedback: A near-perfect 4.9/5 score on Trustpilot highlights the consistently positive experiences of SAS customers, signifying reliability, professionalism, and overall service quality.
A positive review of Specialty Answering Service insisting on the transparency of their billing model and the overall quality of the service.

While SAS may not offer bilingual support, its focus on delivering a flexible, affordable, and high-quality answering service, backed by glowing customer reviews, makes it a standout choice for businesses seeking to optimize their communication and customer experience without overspending.


Number 2 place is for: VoiceNation.

VoiceNation earns its spot as our number 2 pick for entry-level answering services by offering a compelling combination of affordability, essential features, and bilingual capabilities, making it a valuable asset for businesses seeking to elevate their customer service.Key Factors:

  • Affordability and Flexibility: The combination of a reasonable base price, included minutes, and a competitive per-minute rate provides businesses with cost control and flexibility to manage their communication needs effectively.
  • Bilingual Support: The availability of bilingual receptionists caters to a wider customer base and demonstrates a commitment to inclusivity, crucial in today's diverse marketplace.
  • Core Features: VoiceNation doesn't compromise on essential functionalities:
    • 24/7 live answering ensures businesses are always accessible.
    • US-based receptionists provide a professional and localized touch.
    • Call transfers, scripted responses, and message taking guarantee efficient and consistent communication.
  • Positive Customer Feedback: The high Trustpilot score (4.5/5 based on 339 reviews) highlights VoiceNation's dedication to customer satisfaction and overall service quality.
A 5-star review of VoiceNation on Trustpilot insisting on the quality of the onboarding process.

VoiceNation stands out as a reliable and versatile option for businesses seeking an entry-level answering service.


Finally, our number 3 service is: AnswerFirst.

We selected AnswerFirst as our number 3 choice due to its attractive combination of affordability and essential features. 

Key Factors:

  • Affordability: At a starting price of $30 per month, AnswerFirst offers a budget-friendly solution that is accessible to startups, small businesses, and solopreneurs with limited resources.
  • 24/7 Live Answering: The service guarantees that calls are answered around the clock by US-based receptionists, ensuring businesses never miss an opportunity to connect with potential clients or address customer needs, regardless of the time zone.
  • Essential Features: AnswerFirst provides a range of crucial functionalities, including:
    • Call transfers: Ensuring seamless connections to the right person or department.
    • Scripted responses: Maintaining consistency and professionalism in call handling.
    • Message taking: Capturing important details and delivering them promptly.
  • Positive Customer Feedback: A 4.7/5 score on Trustpilot reflects high customer satisfaction, indicating reliability and overall service quality.
A 5-star review of AnswerFirst on Trustpilot insisting on the tools that the company provides.

Overall, AnswerFirst presents an attractive entry point for businesses seeking a cost-effective answering service that doesn't compromise on essential features or professionalism. While it may not offer advanced features like bilingual support or a free trial, its focus on core functionalities and affordability makes it a valuable asset for those prioritizing budget-consciousness and reliable call handling. 

Name Cheaper plan price Free trial US-based receptionists Call transfers Scripted responses 24/7 Message taking
VoiceNation $70
20 minutes included
No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Specialty Answering Service $38
per month
+ $1.39
per minute
Yes Not sure Yes Yes Yes Yes
AnswerFirst $30
per month
+ $1.40
per minute
No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

What are the Potential Risks of Using a Cheap Answering Service?

While cheap answering services offer many benefits, it's important to approach them with a discerning eye.

 To make an informed decision, we divided this section into 4 big categories for clarity: 

Customer Service:

  • Inexperienced or poorly trained agents: Budget constraints may lead some providers to hire less experienced agents or provide minimal training.
  • Language barriers: If your clients require multilingual support, a cheap service might not offer adequate language options, leading to miscommunication and frustration.
  • High agent turnover: Low-cost services might experience higher agent turnover rates. This can result in inconsistencies in service quality and a lack of familiarity with your business and its specific needs.
A Reddit user complaining about the low quality of the cheap answering service they’re working with.

Miscommunication and Errors:

  • Inaccurate message taking: If agents are rushed, overwhelmed, or inadequately trained, they might miss crucial details or misinterpret messages.
  • Misdirected calls: Technical glitches or miscommunication can result in calls being transferred incorrectly or important calls being missed altogether.
  • Lack of customization: Cheaper services might offer limited customization options for greetings or scripts, potentially making your business seem less professional or attentive to individual callers.

Impact Business Growth:

  • Long wait times:  During peak hours or if the service is understaffed, customers may experience extended wait times, leading to frustration and potentially driving them to competitors.
  • Missed opportunities: If calls are mishandled or important messages are not relayed promptly, it can result in missed sales opportunities or damage to your reputation.
  • Negative customer experience: A poor experience with the answering service can reflect negatively on your business, leading to customer dissatisfaction and potential loss of future business.
A Reddit user explaining how the cheap answering service company they’ve selected is losing them clients.

Security and Privacy Concerns:

  • Data breaches: While rare, data breaches can occur. Ensure the service you choose has robust security measures to protect sensitive customer information.
  • Confidentiality: Ensure the service has strict confidentiality policies to safeguard your business information and customer data.

What are the alternatives to Cheap Phone Answering services?

The ideal answering service solution will vary depending on your unique business needs, budget, and desired features. For that reason, it's worth exploring other options that might better suit your specific needs and budget like:

  • Virtual Receptionists: These services provide a more personalized touch, handling a wider range of tasks such as appointment scheduling, call screening, and even light administrative duties. Why choose it? Because they offer flexibility and professionalism, but at a high cost.
  • AI Answering Systems: Leveraging artificial intelligence, these systems automate the entire call handling process, from greeting to answering inquiries, and even scheduling appointments. Why choose it? Because they provide 24/7 availability and can free up human agents entirely, potentially offering significant cost savings.
  • Hybrid Solutions: These innovative systems combine the efficiency of AI with the personalized touch of human agents. Why choose it? Because AI can typically handle routine calls and basic inquiries, while more complex interactions are seamlessly escalated to live agents.

Allô is an innovative solution powered by AI that acts as your virtual assistant, answering calls, taking messages, and providing concise summaries. Its AI capabilities enable it to understand the context of calls and deliver relevant information, potentially saving you time and improving efficiency. 

If you're looking for a tech-forward solution that blends affordability with intelligent call handling, Allô might be a worthy contender.

Call forwarding

Call forwarding is one of the most important features of an AI answering service. These are the benefits of this solution.

  • Route callers to the right person quickly and efficiently, reducing wait times and improving satisfaction.
  • Ensure calls get answered, even when team members are unavailable or out of the office.
  • Automate call routing based on predefined rules, freeing up your team to focus on important tasks.
  • Gain valuable insights from call logs to identify trends and improve your overall communication strategy.
An screenshot of call forwarding feature and its many options inside Allô’s app.

Auto-text reply

Auto-text replies help you to automate your workflow when using an AI answering service. These replies operate on a simple principle:

Âllo, for example, offers intelligent auto-replies that can understand the intent of the sender's message and provide more tailored responses, enhancing the overall customer experience.

An illustration of a call summary feature inside Allô’s app.

Here’s a quick summary for you:

  • The ideal answering service solution will vary depending on your unique business needs, budget, and desired features. Consider factors such as call volume, required functionalities, and the level of personalization you seek.
  • If you're looking for a tech-forward solution that blends affordability with intelligent call handling, Allô might be a worthy contender. Its AI capabilities enable it to understand the context of calls and deliver relevant information, potentially saving you time and improving efficiency.
  • By carefully weighing the pros and cons of each option. Focusing too much on the costs might end up hurting your business.