Allô Listen your Voicemail for you & Summaries

Our powerful AI technology analyzes each message, extracting the key information and presenting it in a concise, easy-to-read summary.

Voicemail summary example

Skip the listening

Get straight to the point.

  • AI-Powered Insights: Analyze your voicemails, identifying the core message and essential details.

  • Quick Overview: Understand the main points without wasting time listening to the entire recording.

  • Prioritize Your Inbox: Quickly identify important messages that need your immediate attention.

Mockup of the summary

Benefits of Voicemail Summaries:

  • Save Valuable Time: Scan summaries in seconds and prioritize your response based on the urgency of the message.

  • Never Miss a Detail: Ensure you capture all crucial information, even if you don't have time to listen to the entire voicemail.

  • Boost Productivity: Free yourself from lengthy voicemail listening sessions, allowing you to focus on other important tasks.

affordable & accessible

for SMall businesses



20 €

par mois

Pour les entreprises avancées à la recherche de la technologie de pointe pour augmenter leurs prospects

Annulez à tout moment

Créer 1 assistant vocal

150 minutes chaque mois

6 voix

Message de salutation entièrement personnalisable

Enregistrement d'appels et transcription

Résumés intelligents avec des prochaines étapes actionnables

Appels entrants et sortants

support 24/7


100 €

par mois

Personnalisé pour les marques cherchant des solutions uniques, polyvalentes et flexibles.

Tout en professionnel

Plusieurs assistants vocaux

Appels illimités

Intégrations personnalisées

Analytique personnalisée

— juste 3 étapes

Can I share my Allô number with my team?

How does Allô work?

How do I get started with Allô?

Can I use my existing phone number?

What are the main features of Allô?

Is Allô available in my country?

Can Allô handle international calls?

How much does Allô cost?

What happens if I need support?

Allô Listen your Voicemail for you & Summaries

Our powerful AI technology analyzes each message, extracting the key information and presenting it in a concise, easy-to-read summary.

Voicemail summary example

Skip the listening

Get straight to the point.

  • AI-Powered Insights: Analyze your voicemails, identifying the core message and essential details.

  • Quick Overview: Understand the main points without wasting time listening to the entire recording.

  • Prioritize Your Inbox: Quickly identify important messages that need your immediate attention.

Mockup of the summary

Benefits of Voicemail Summaries:

  • Save Valuable Time: Scan summaries in seconds and prioritize your response based on the urgency of the message.

  • Never Miss a Detail: Ensure you capture all crucial information, even if you don't have time to listen to the entire voicemail.

  • Boost Productivity: Free yourself from lengthy voicemail listening sessions, allowing you to focus on other important tasks.

affordable & accessible

for SMall businesses



20 €

par mois

Pour les entreprises avancées à la recherche de la technologie de pointe pour augmenter leurs prospects

Annulez à tout moment

Créer 1 assistant vocal

150 minutes chaque mois

6 voix

Message de salutation entièrement personnalisable

Enregistrement d'appels et transcription

Résumés intelligents avec des prochaines étapes actionnables

Appels entrants et sortants

support 24/7


100 €

par mois

Personnalisé pour les marques cherchant des solutions uniques, polyvalentes et flexibles.

Tout en professionnel

Plusieurs assistants vocaux

Appels illimités

Intégrations personnalisées

Analytique personnalisée

— juste 3 étapes

Can I share my Allô number with my team?

How does Allô work?

How do I get started with Allô?

Can I use my existing phone number?

What are the main features of Allô?

Is Allô available in my country?

Can Allô handle international calls?

How much does Allô cost?

What happens if I need support?

Allô Listen your Voicemail for you & Summaries

Our powerful AI technology analyzes each message, extracting the key information and presenting it in a concise, easy-to-read summary.

Voicemail summary example

Skip the listening

Get straight to the point.

  • AI-Powered Insights: Analyze your voicemails, identifying the core message and essential details.

  • Quick Overview: Understand the main points without wasting time listening to the entire recording.

  • Prioritize Your Inbox: Quickly identify important messages that need your immediate attention.

Mockup of the summary

Benefits of Voicemail Summaries:

  • Save Valuable Time: Scan summaries in seconds and prioritize your response based on the urgency of the message.

  • Never Miss a Detail: Ensure you capture all crucial information, even if you don't have time to listen to the entire voicemail.

  • Boost Productivity: Free yourself from lengthy voicemail listening sessions, allowing you to focus on other important tasks.

affordable & accessible

for SMall businesses



20 €

par mois

Pour les entreprises avancées à la recherche de la technologie de pointe pour augmenter leurs prospects

Annulez à tout moment

Créer 1 assistant vocal

150 minutes chaque mois

6 voix

Message de salutation entièrement personnalisable

Enregistrement d'appels et transcription

Résumés intelligents avec des prochaines étapes actionnables

Appels entrants et sortants

support 24/7


100 €

par mois

Personnalisé pour les marques cherchant des solutions uniques, polyvalentes et flexibles.

Tout en professionnel

Plusieurs assistants vocaux

Appels illimités

Intégrations personnalisées

Analytique personnalisée

— juste 3 étapes

Can I share my Allô number with my team?

How does Allô work?

How do I get started with Allô?

Can I use my existing phone number?

What are the main features of Allô?

Is Allô available in my country?

Can Allô handle international calls?

How much does Allô cost?

What happens if I need support?

Scan the QR code and get the app now!