Auto-text replies: best practices and examples

María Correa
· 9 min read
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Retro phone inside an office during the 90s

According to a survey run by Khoros, the main expectation of clients is to get a fast reply. 

But it’s not always easy when you’re a small business.

Enter auto-text replies. An easy and efficient way to inform your customers without losing your focus. They keep customers in the loop, even when you're busy juggling other tasks.

Curious to know how they work? In this blog, we are going to explore the world of auto-text replies, how to set up your own no matter your device, some examples and best practices to craft the perfect auto-reply for any situation.

So, let’s start from the beginning.

What is an auto-reply text?

An auto-reply text is a pre-written message that is automatically sent in response to incoming text messages based on specific rules or triggers.

It acts as an instant acknowledgement, assuring the sender that their message has been received and providing essential information, even when you're unavailable to respond personally.

An example of an auto-text reply sent by a pest control service.

How do auto-reply text work?

Auto-reply texts operate on a simple principle:

  1. Incoming message: A person sends you a text message or calls your number.
  2. Trigger activation: The system checks if any predefined conditions or triggers are met (e.g., outside business hours, specific keywords in the message, etc.).
  3. Auto-reply sent: If a trigger is activated, a pre-written message is automatically sent to the sender, acknowledging their communication and providing relevant information.

There are two main types of auto-reply texts:

  • Basic auto-replies: These send the same generic message to everyone, regardless of the content of their message or the time they contacted you.
  • Smart auto-replies: These utilize advanced features like AI and natural language processing to understand the context of the incoming message and generate more personalized and relevant responses.

Allô, for example, is an AI-powered service that falls into the latter category, offering intelligent auto-replies that can understand the intent of the sender's message and provide more tailored responses, enhancing the overall customer experience.

How to create an auto-text reply on Android

While Android doesn't have a built-in auto-reply feature for SMS, several third-party apps can help.

The app we recommend using is called "AUTO MESSAGE send response sms". It's easy to set up, free and very convenient. Plus, we're not alone to appreciate it: it has been downloaded 1M+ times and has a 4.2/5 rating with 7k reviews on the Play Store.

Here's how to use it:

  1. Download and install: Install the app on your Android device from the Play Store.
  2. Launch the app: Open the app and tap the (+) button on the home screen.
  3. Choose the place: Select between “Reply to WhatsApp messages” or “Reply SMS/calls”.
  4. Customize: You can then write your own message, choose the target, the days of the week, time and more.
  5. Save your settings: Tap "Save" to activate the auto-reply. You need to be logged at this point. 
Screenshot of the step-by-step process to send auto-text replies using the "AUTO MESSAGE send response sms" app

The app also allows you to:

  • Create personalized messages: Tailor responses for specific contacts.
  • Set a "Don't Reply List": Exclude certain numbers from receiving auto-replies.
  • Schedule auto-replies: Enable auto-replies only during specific times.

Limits of this method

While SMS Auto Reply is handy for personal use, businesses might find it limiting:

  • Lack of customization: the app can only handle a few conditions.
  • Lack of reliability: some users complain on the Play store that they experienced bugs (including auto-reply messages being sent to random contacts).

A better alternative: Allô

Allô is an AI-powered communication hub, handling both calls and texts seamlessly on your Android phone. With Allô, you have the convenience of a professional virtual receptionist for your calls and intelligent auto-replies for your texts, all within a single, powerful app.

Here are two step-by-step examples to illustrate their usage of call auto-text features on Allô:

Example 1: Sending SMS Before Capturing Information

  • The customer tries to call you on your personal or Allô number.
  • The system detects the call, and based on the type of call (new client, missed call, etc.), a specific unique SMS message is automatically sent.
  • The customer receives the SMS, which might, for example, ask for more information about the reason for the call.
  • The customer replies to the SMS, and this response is captured and added to the call summary.
  • You can then view this call summary, including the SMS response, in your Allô dashboard.

Example 2: Sending SMS After the Call with the Agent

  • A customer calls your Allô number to make a reservation or request information.
  • The AI virtual agent answers and processes the call as usual.
  • At the end of the call, an SMS is automatically sent to the customer, including a link to confirm the reservation or with the requested information.
  • The customer clicks the link or reads the SMS to verify the details of their reservation or get the requested information.
  • All customer actions via the SMS are then captured and recorded in your Allô system, allowing you to track and manage interactions easily.

These two cases demonstrate how Allô's auto-text features can be used to automate SMS sending and improve communication with your customers.

How to create an auto-text reply on iPhone

iPhones lack a dedicated SMS autoresponder, but you can leverage the "Focus" feature available for iOS 15 and later.

Here is how:

Step-by-step method

  1. Go to Settings: Open the "Settings" app on your iPhone.
  2. Select "Focus": If you had not configured it before, click on (+) button."
  3. Choose "Driving": Click on Customize Focus.
  4. Review "Allowed Notifications": Ensure no one you want to receive calls or texts from is on this list.
  5. Set up "Auto-Reply": Tap "Auto-Reply" and create your custom message.
  6. Choose automation: Under "Turn on Automatically," select how you want to trigger auto-replies (while driving, connected to car Bluetooth, or manually).

Now, you can toggle Driving Focus on/off in the settings menu. Your phone will send the auto-reply while this mode is active.


A video showing how to leverage the focus mode on an iPhone to send automatic text replies.

Limits of this method

While the focus mode is helpful for minimizing distractions, it has limitations for business use:

  • No context: Replies are generic, not tailored to specific messages or clients.
  • Limited triggers: It's primarily designed for driving, not general business scenarios.
  • Restricted recipients: Auto-replies only go to saved contacts or recent conversations. New clients won’t receive them.

A better alternative: Allô

Allô's auto-attendant is your 24/7 virtual receptionist, ensuring every caller gets a professional greeting and efficient routing.

Allô simplifies call management with features like:

  • Customizable greetings: Make a great first impression with a personalized welcome message.
  • Intelligent call routing: Guide callers to the right destination based on their selection.
  • Call forwarding: Easily transfer calls to your mobile or another device.
  • Voicemail transcription: Read voicemail messages at your convenience, no need to listen.

Unlike the basic auto-response features you find on iPhone and Android that send the same generic SMS to every caller, Allô’s solution it's powered by advanced AI that adapts each response based on who is calling and why. 

That means, when someone calls your number, the AI Virtual Assistant engages with the caller right from the start, determining whether they are an existing client, a potential buyer, a tenant, or any other specific category relevant to your industry. This interaction allows Allô to route the call appropriately and craft a unique, context-driven SMS response. 

Whether it’s sending a confirmation, capturing additional details, or providing customer support instructions, Allô uses GenAI (like ChatGPT) to generate a custom SMS for each scenario. It's a smart and personalized auto-response that meets the exact needs of each caller. 

Despite the sophistication behind it, setting up Allô is incredibly simple, making it an easy yet powerful tool for any business.

Business hours on Allô app.

Examples of auto-reply texts

As we mentioned before, auto-reply texts are based on specific rules or triggers. This means that, depending on the situation, you can create different text replies. 

Feeling overwhelmed?

Here are some templates adapted to all situations to inspire you.

General auto-reply

A general auto-reply acts as your safety net, ensuring that every incoming message receives an immediate acknowledgement. It shows that you value your caller's time and that their inquiry hasn't fallen into a void.

It's particularly valuable when you're swamped with work or dealing with unexpected situations that prevent you from providing an instant, personalized response. 

Here’s our suggested template:

"Thank you for your message! I am currently busy, but I'll get back to you as soon as possible. Appreciate your patience! [Your name]"

Out-of-Office auto-reply

An out-of-office auto-reply informs senders that you are currently unavailable and sets realistic expectations for when they can anticipate a response. It’s a professional courtesy that prevents clients and colleagues from feeling ignored or left in the lurch.

"I'm out of the office until [Date]. I'll reply when I return. Thanks for your patience. [Your name]"

After Hours auto-reply

An after-hours auto-reply handles communication outside your regular business hours. It sets clear boundaries and lets people know when they can expect a response, preventing frustration and managing expectations. 

"We're currently closed. We'll reply during business hours. Our business hours are M-F from 8 am to 6 pm. Thanks!"

Vacation auto-reply

Let people know you're taking a break. It manages expectations regarding response times and allows you to truly disconnect and recharge without the worry of unanswered messages piling up. 

"We're on vacation until [Date]. We'll reply when we return. Thanks for your patience. [Your name]"

Holiday Closure

It's a thoughtful gesture that shows you respect your customers' time and let them plan accordingly. It also adds a touch of warmth and personality to your communication.

"Happy [Holiday]! We're closed today, but we'll get back to you tomorrow. Enjoy your day!"

Service Disruptions or Delays

A service disruption or delay auto-reply acts as a proactive communication tool during unforeseen circumstances. 

It demonstrates transparency and keeps your customers informed, preventing frustration and managing expectations. It proves that you're aware of the issue, are taking responsibility, and are actively working to resolve it.

"We're experiencing [Issue]. We apologize for any inconvenience."

Tips for writing a good auto-reply text message

When creating an auto-reply message, consider that it has to be informative, professional, and leave a positive impression. 

Here are some key tips to write great auto-reply texts:

  • Brevity: Keep it short and welcoming. People are more likely to read a concise message.
  • Positive tone: Even if you're unavailable, maintain a friendly and helpful attitude.
  • Clarity is king: Clearly state your unavailability and when they can expect a response.
  • Avoid jargon: Use simple language everyone can understand.
  • Proofread: Typos and grammar errors make you look unprofessional.

Let's look at some examples of bad auto-replies and how to improve them:

Bad: "I'm busy. Will get back to you later."

  • Why it's bad: Too vague, doesn't set expectations, and sounds dismissive.

Revised version: "Thanks for your message! I'm currently unavailable but will respond by [time/day]. "

Bad: "Out of office. Don't expect a reply until [date]."

  • Why it's bad: Negative tone, focuses on what you can't do instead of what you will do.

Revised version: "I'm out of the office until [date]. I'll get back to you then. For urgent matters, please contact [alternative contact]."

Remember, auto-replies are an extension of your brand.

Craft them thoughtfully to maintain a positive customer experience, even when you're not available for immediate interaction.

Bad: "BRB"

  • Why it's bad: Overly casual and unprofessional. It doesn't provide any useful information to the sender.

Revised version: "I'm stepping away for a bit, but will respond to your message as soon as I'm back!"

Bad: "I'm driving, can't text now." (Sent while not actually driving)

  • Why it's bad: Misleading and potentially unethical. If you're not actually driving, this creates a false sense of urgency and could damage trust.

Revised version: "I'm currently unavailable to respond, but I'll get back to you as soon as I can."